Master the Half Guard (17 Videos!)

384,84 kr 192,42 kr SEK

All of my favorite halfguard attacks, including moves from the regular half gaurd, the deep half guard, the knee shield and the lockdown. Learn how to effectively sweep and submit using standard half guard, deep half gaurd, knee shield and the lockdown half guard. Videos Include:

  1. Half Guard underhook recovery + old school sweep
  2. Deep half guard to Faria Sweep
  3. Deep half guard to waiter sweep
  4. Recovering Guard from half guard + razor armlock
  5. Deep half guard to double lapel sweep
  6. Plan B sweep from half guard
  7. Deep half guard Turkish Sweep 
  8. Lockdown to Electric Chair
  9. Lockdown to Oldschool sweep
  10. Deep half gaurd to whip up to knee tap
  11. Transition from half gaurd to 50/50
  12. Underhook recovery using lockdown to oldschool sweep
  13. Kimura from knee shield to kimura sweep
  14. Plan B sweep from lockdown
  15. Deep half gaurd to sleeve sweep
  16. Knee shield kimura to butterfly sweep
  17. Knee shield to knee lever sweep